Lady Justice
Justice for all victims of child sexual abuse and exploitation
About this campaign
Every name you see here belongs to a victim of sexual exploitation or child abuse. Every year, November 18 is dedicated to everyone who carries this pain for life. But on that day this year, all eyes were on the Antwerp Palace of Justice. That’s why it wasn’t Lady Justice standing in front of the courthouse, but a statue calling for more awareness, more prevention and more justice, in the name of all victims.
Little Lady Justice doesn’t just stand up for Belgian victims — children should enjoy equal protection wherever they are in the world. That’s why Little Lady Justice is also appealing to European policymakers, calling on them to urgently introduce legislation that better protects children from sexual abuse and exploitation.
If you are a victim of child sexual abuse or exploitation, you can add your name to this list. It’s a way of quietly acknowledging everyone who was abused as a child. And by making the scale of the problem visible, you also strengthen our political fight for more awareness, prevention, and justice.
Here are the names of all the victims who have already
reported to us.
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We will process your request and add your name to the list soon, so you can join the fight for more awareness, prevention, and justice.
Report child abuse images
Every day, Child Focus fights to protect children from sexual exploitation. But we’re not fighting this battle alone — you can help too. If you see an image of child abuse, please report it anonymously here.
Need to talk to someone?
Are you a victim of child abuse or sexual abuse? Contact the 1712 helpline for support or advice by email, phone or chat. Or visit for more information.
If you are a minor and a victim of prostitution, grooming (getting unwanted attention from an adult), sextortion (being blackmailed about intimate images) or non-consensual sexting (your intimate photos or videos being shared on social media), you can call Child Focus on 116 000.
Ahmad (12), Alewijn (12), Alex (14), Alexia (14), Alina (15), Alyna (14), Amber (12), Amelie (13), Amira (15), Anastasia (16), Angélique (14), Ann (11), Anne Sofie (13), Anne (11), Aya (16), Ben (7), Betty (6), Bieke (13), Bilal (12), Brechtje (4), Brendan (11), Calista (14), Camille (14), Carolien (10), Caroline (13), Cecile (13), Chaima (15), Chelsey (12), Christine (4), Christine (10), Ciarra (14), Cindy (3), Cindy (11), Claire (10), Clarisse (16), Cleo (15), Corine (13), Danielle (13), Davinia (5), Diede (15), Dirk-Jan (8), Elena (13), Eléonore (16), Ellen (3), Elma (14), Els (8), Emilie (14), Eryn (10), Esteban (12), Farah (16), Fatima (10), Febe (14), Femke (15), Finne (9), Fiona (17), Frédéric (6), Frédérique (15), Geike (7), Gijs (12), Gina (15), Guy-Pascal (4), Hanne (15), Hannes (14), Helene (2), Henri (4), Idrissa (12), Ines (12), Ingrid (14), Ire (4), Iris (14), Jade (13), Janna (14), Jasmine (13), Jesse (11), Jill (14), Joeri (15), Johanna (13), Josephine (6), Julie (7), Julie (11), Julie (13), Juliette (12), Karin (3), Karla (13), Karlo (12), Kathleen (6), Katrijn (17), Kelly (4), Kenza (13), Kim (13), Kimberly (8), Kobe (13), Kristel (10), Kristien (8), Kytama (15), Lana (13), Lana (14), Lander (13), Lars (13), Léa (15), Leane (12), Leen (14), Lena (13), Lene (14), Liene (16), Liesbeth (4), Liesbeth (8), Lise (12), Lotte (8), Louis (8), Louisa (9), Louve (1), Lucas (14), Lucie (15), Luigi (14), Luna (6), Luna (11), Lya (15), Maëlle (10), Magali (15), Magda (6), Maikel (15), Maité (16), Marie (17), Marina (11), Marleen (1), Marleen (8), Marleen (10), Martine (12), Martine (6), Maryse (6), Mel (5), Melanie (6), Mirja (11), Muriel (6), Musharaf (16), Nadine (3), Nadine (12), Natalie (2), Nathalie (15), Nora (9), Olivier (8), Pauline (15), Petra (13), Petra (6), Rachel (12), Radjia (16), Renée (13), Riana (14), Robrecht (7), Sabine (13), Salomé (2), Sarah (13), Sasha (13), Savannah (12), Seb (12), Shelsey (13), Silvy (12), Sofie (17), Sophie (6), Soraya (16), Stephanie (6), Svea (16), Tamara (14), Tess (14), Tessa (2), Theo (12), Tiara (17), Tim (14), Tina (15), Tineke (14), Tinne (13), Tiziana (6), Touriya (13), Tusem (14), Valérie (6), Veerle (14), Victoria (15), Wendy (14), Wim (8), Wim (15), Yaren (15), Yasmin (15), Yasmina (16), Yolanda (11)